vineri, 26 iunie 2009

My stupid summer love ...

Hmmm... Lets start like:
It was a hot summer .I was wondering around turkey.It was a "hot" night.I was going to the bar when my friend told me to look at two girls who were sitting on a bench near the beach.They were russian.They were both reading a book. One of them was standing in front of me and the other one in front of her. The one facing me was kinda wierd.Not ugly but wierd.When i passed the other one raised her head.She was awesome.She had curly blonde-red hair and an angelic face. She faced me with an innocent look.When she stood up i realised that not just her face was perfect. She had a perfect body too. Her breasts were looking at me , while her butt was very curve and soft.
She came at me and said hello.I was so ...blushing that i couldnt find my words.She had a muse voice.She was walking like a princess, she was the girl i dreamed of.
She went to the bar to get something to drink while i went to her and asked her if she wants to go to a walk with me on the beach.She said yes.
We were walking while she was holding my hand and looking at the stars. She told me the stars are beautiful.I told her she is beautiful. Then she turned her face to me.She had tears in her eyes and she kissed me. I was almost in the sky , my feet were lifted above the ground and my ears were red. Then we finished our walk and we had to go to sleep. She said goodbye and told me that tomorow she is leaving. I felt that my heart was broken. I said ok... maybe we`ll meet again and i told her that i love her very much.She smiled and gave me a goodbye kiss that i`ll remember for the rest of my life.

Un comentariu:

  1. "De ce ne plac iubirile interzise ? Raspunde`mi te rog .
    De ce am impresia ca nu iti mai pasa de mine ?"

    la prima nu cred ca sunt in stare sa raspund,pentru ca nu stiu exact,dar o sa plac chiar daca suntem constienti ca nu mai putem da inapoi,cand realizam exact de ce nu le putem avea.este cat se poate de normal sa iti pui astfel de intrebari,doar ca partea proasta vine cand nu gasesti raspunsul.sunt sigura ca si daca gasesti raspunsul,tot iubirile interzise o sa-ti placa,pentru ca sunt mai incitante.:)

    acum a doua sincer ma chinuit cateva zile dupa ce am prea obisnuiesc sa-mi arat iubirea fata de persoane si nu-mi place sa zic de ce,cum si cat tin la tine.ultima perioada de scoala,stiu nu prea am mai vorbit.stim prea bine de ce,dar nu are sens sa vorbesc despre asta.prietenia noastra sunt sigura ca nu s-a pierdut si aici vorbeam de prietenia dintre noi doi nu si prietenia cu restul grupului.poate ca am avut momente in care pur si simplu nu mai stiam cine esti,dar se mai intampla.stii ca imi pasa de tine si ca esti singurul care conteaza.
    P.S:sper sa nu-ti creasca coarne,dupa ce citesti asta.:)
